
NanoLocz User Guide

An in progress updated User Guide for NanoLocz v1.20 is here


1. NanoLocz Install
2. Graphical User Interface
3. Video Guides
4. Opening Files
5. Saving NanoLocz Files
6. Exporting Images, Videos and Data
7. Keyboard Shortcuts
8. Image Leveling

1. NanoLocz Install

To download the file needed go to Releases

Options for Install:

  1. To install as Mac desktop app download:
    Unzip and run the exe to install
  2. To install as Windows desktop app download: Windows_AppInstaller_mcr.exe
    Unzip and run the exe to install
  3. To install as MATLAB app download: NanoLocz.mlappinstall
    Open ‘NanoLocz.mlappinstall’ file. This will open MATLAB if not already open and ask you to install. Once installed the app can be used from the apps tab. For quick access right click the NanoLocz app to add to Favourites and/or Quick Access Toolbar.
    MATLAB app requirements: MATLAB 2020a (the newer the better), Curve Fitting Toolbox, Image Processing Toolbox, Signal Processing Toolbox, Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox, Bioinformatics Toolbox, Computer Vision Toolbox.

Note: loading on start-up of the app can take ~1min for Mac/Windows versions

2. Graphical User Interface

Fig 1: Image loading, leveling, filtering and mask tools:

NanoLocz Guide 1

Fig 2: Image viewing, playback and toolbar options:

NanoLocz Guide 2

3. Video Guides

3.1 Desktop standalone app Installation

YouTube Desktop standalone app Installation

3.2 MATLAB app Installation

YouTube MATLAB app Installation

3.3 Getting Started

YouTube NanoLocz Getting Started

3.4 Leveling + Area Analysis

YouTube NanoLocz Leveling + Area Analysis

3.5 Height + Width Analysis

YouTube NanoLocz Height + Width Analysis

3.6 Intercalating Trace-Retrace + Single particle LAFM

YouTube NanoLocz Single particle LAFM

3.7 Time Resolved LAFM

YouTube Time Resolved LAFM

3.8 Simulation AFM

YouTube Time Resolved LAFM

4. Opening Files

4.1 General image opening

4.2 Opening Videos

4.3 Supported File Types

AFM Manufacturer Format Used Read Height Read All Channels Video Support Video Format Author/Source
Bruker™ .spm Folder J. D. Groot
  .jpk Folder R. D. Ortuso
RIBM™ .asd x Single file G. Tagiltsev & S. Scheuring
Oxford Instruments™ .aris Single file NanoLocz
  .ibw x Folder J. Bialek
Nanosurf™ .nhf Folder NanoLocz
  .gyw Folder E. L. Fricke
Park Systems™ .tiff x Single file NanoLocz

4.4 Stacking images/videos

5. Saving NanoLocz Files

The following describes saving options for Session Files or Current File such that the analysis and image processing can be quickly reopened in NanoLocz (or MATLAB since files are saved as .mat files), for exporting images/videos or data files see Section 3. Exporting Images and Videos When saving a session or current file, All analysis, references images, LAFM images and the levelled frames are saved. To save space ‘particle images’ are not saved but assembled upon opening using the x, y, t coordinates saved from the analysis

5.1 Saving/Loading ‘All Processed’ (Session)

Tip: to view which images have been processed use the ‘All files’/’Processed’ dropdown above the File List Box Tip: to remove a file from the processed list, press ‘Restore’ on the Level panel to return it to the raw data.

5.2 Saving/Loading ‘Current File’ (single movie/image)

6. Exporting Images, Videos and Data

6.1 Image and Video export

Option 1:

Note: Exporting as .tiff, .csv, .txt, or .xls enables export without loss of image information whereas export as .gif, .avi, .png, .jpeg or .pdf gives movies/images at presentation or publication quality with automatic scale bars and timestamps.

Option 2 (good for creating publication quality figures or grabbing images quickly):

6.2 Analysis data export

6.3 MATLAB data export (MATLAB app only)

7. Keyboard Shortcuts

May need to click the grey background of NanoLocz GUI for key shortcuts to register (Keyboard shortcuts only work when a button/dropdown or panel are not selected). |Keyboard Key|Result| |:—-|:—-| |Return|Accept current preview| |Right arrow|Move 1 frame forwards| |Left arrow|Move 1 frame back| |Delete|Delete current frame| |Up arrow|Move z-scale view offset up| |Down arrow|Move z-scale view offset down| |Shift + Up arrow|Decrease z-scale range| |Shift + Down arrow|increase z-scale range|

8. Image Leveling

8.1 Manual Leveling

Plane Leveling:
To remove tilt or bow in images:

Line Leveling:
To remove height variations between scan lines:

Line or Plane Leveling with a Mask:
To level images and movies that contain a variety of height levels requires certain regions (referred to as masked regions) to be excluded from the polynomial fits. Typically the included region should be a surface which is expected to be level and has a high coverage (>50%). The options to generate a mask are: 1) Using the upper and lower threshold values on the height histogram 2) Manually drawing using the Draw Mask button 3) Using the ‘Mask with z-scale’ to mask values outside of the colormap scale 4) Automatically using the Otsu method 5) Automatically using the Fit button (fits a Gaussian to all the values in the movie and using 1.5σ (standard deviation) as the threshold values.)

8.2 Automatic Leveling

Leveling typically requires multiple iterations, to achieve this automatically several pre-set leveling routines are implemented in NanoLocz. For example the ‘Iterative Holes’ and ‘Iterative Peaks’ routines which use the following routine:

  1. Subtract a plane fit in x and y with 2nd order polynomial then subtract the median line in x.
  2. Fit a Gaussian to all the heights in the movie and set a mask threshold to z > 1.5σ (Iterative Peaks) or z <-1.5σ (Iterative Holes) to generate a mask.
  3. Repeat leveling step 1. with the threshold mask applied.
  4. Generate new mask by repeating step 2.
  5. Subtract a plane fit in x and y with 2nd order polynomial then subtract a 1st order polynomial line in x with the threshold mask applied.\

‘Iterative Holes’ and ‘Iterative Peaks’ automatic leveling routines are designed for image sets with a fraction of lower features such as membrane defects (Iterative Holes) or a fraction of objects with higher features such as features on a mica surface (Iterative Holes). Other iterative leveling routine in NanoLocz include basic leveling followed by Otsu mask leveling or leveling followed by two leveling iterations with Gauissan fitted masks for z outside the range of +/-1.5σ